Written by your State Secretary: Jasper Cunningham
Finally, it is January and you know what that means—Leadership competitions are starting up. Ag rooms are thriving and students are spending hours upon hours after school getting ready for one thing—competition day!
For me, contest preparation was a daily ritual. The bell for seventh hour rang and I rushed out to my truck, drove to Speedway and bought a diet Coke and a Hershey’s Cookies and Cream candy bar. Then I returned to the school, parked in the back by the Ag room and started practice. That’s my contest secret. Find a routine and practice, practice, practice.
Ryan Seacrest, you better look out. The blue and gold will soon be giving you a run for your money. Public Speaking and the skills contest, Ag Communications, are preparing members with technical and creative skills to carry out a wide range of media, production and speaking talents.
Tom Cruise, to you and the rest of Hollywood, this is a warning, competition is on its way. Agricultural Issues and Demonstration are allowing members to get in the acting mode. Here they are portraying the roles of reporters, activists, and showcasing agricultural processes. Their roles could easily earn them an Academy award.
Lawmakers, you may be receiving some added pressure in the near future. The Parliamentarian Procedure contest is equipping members with the knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order. These skills could transfer over into governmental order and protocol. FFA members can even accomplish their agenda in under ten minutes.
If the sounds of these contests don’t interest you, don’t worry. With eleven leadership contests and over twenty skills contests to choose from you are sure to find one that you’ll love. A complete list is available at: http://www.michiganffa.com/association/career/index.shtml.
Good luck to all in the contest season. We can’t wait to see all that you accomplish in this New Year!
LOVE this Jasp!