During a clear night when you peer into the sky, the human eye is capable of capturing around 2,500 stars. In our Galaxy, the Milky Way, there are around 400 billion stars. Yes, that’s billion with a “B.” Now, in Earth Science class we have all studied the same old, boring star classes; Red Giant, White Dwarf, Red Dwarf, Supernova, Neutron Star and so one.
In my opinion the most important classes of stars are: Agri-Business, Agriscience, Production, and Placement. These may not be classes that you’re familiar with; however, they are what make the world revolve. These classes are meant to be filled with outstanding students and their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE).
Michigan FFA State Level STAR interviews were held Wednesday, January 5th, 2011. We would like to extend a special thank-you to Michigan Farm Bureau for hosting the interviews and for their continued support. On Wednesday, sixteen FFA members from around the state gathered at the Michigan Farm Bureau Center. A panel of judges interviewed four contestants in each award area. Questions were tailored to each individual SAE. From the interviews, each panel selected one individual to be the State STAR Over Michigan. The results will be top secret until the announcement at the Michigan FFA State Convention in March. After interviews, each candidate was filmed and that clip will be added to their STAR video that will play at State Convention. In order to qualify for this honor, students must fill out the STAR Battery application along with their State Degree application and return them to the Michigan FFA Office by a set deadline.
It was an honor to meet all the candidates and I was left in awe by the superb projects they have created. It is safe to say that the Michigan FFA has a group of leaders brighter than the North Star.
On behalf of the Michigan Association of FFA, congratulations and best of luck to you in all your endeavors.
Jasper, you are a great writer! BTW, I love the blog!