Monday, January 31, 2011

A Warm Heart for a Cold Season

I hate winter.  There, I said it.  I love the snow and frost from December 20th until January 5th.   But anything before and after the Holiday season…. NO THANK YOU!  Walking into the frigid wind that burns my face, my socks soaked with the slush that cannot make up its mind to melt or freeze, and not being able to show off my new top behind my bulky winter coat does not put me in a good mood. 

I also notice that others are sharing my agony as I walk the sidewalks of Michigan State campus.  Nobody returns smiles or friendly gestures.  Nobody offers to help up the person who just slipped and slid across the ice and slush.  I even admit to giggling underneath my scarf.  (It’s so mean…. and yet, so entertaining!)  We just all bow our heads against the biting wind, and go on our not so merry way.  That’s right, everyone is suffering from the winter blues.

I was just pondering the kindness of people this morning walking to my 8:30 class when I smiled at a boy passing by.  He did not return the smile, even though he definitely noticed my friendly gesture.  Am I that creepy or is he, like the rest of campus, suffering the winter blues and just did not feel like returning a smile to a stranger on the street?

I was still wondering this four hours later, sitting in the Shaw cafeteria with a couple of friends.  Not really paying attention to conversation, I snapped out of my mindless thinking when they were gesturing to a point right behind me.  I asked what they were talking about. 

A girl had just sat down at a table behind me.  She was by herself and, judging by the large winter coat, just stopping by Shaw for a quick lunch.  She was also visibly born with a vitiligo skin pigmentation disorder.  This is when there are very defined large or small spots on your body that are a sharply different color than the rest of your skin.  She seemed very shy, and in a large cafeteria with many groups of students laughing and eating together, she was also very much alone.  After about 10 seconds of talking about joining her for lunch, one of my friends began to gesture again toward the table behind me.

A very handsome (I know this is beyond the point, but I just thought that I’d point out how good looking this individual was anyways) boy had beaten us to the punch.  Out of no where, a boy who also seemed to be stopping into Shaw for a quick lunch walked up to her and asked, “Is it okay if I sit with you?”

Now I’d like to point out that though it was a busy lunch with lots of people in the cafeteria, there were still a few open tables that this boy could have sat at.  I know that when I go to the cafeteria by myself, I just pick an empty one and sit down, just like everyone else eating alone.  But no, this boy went right up to this girl and asked to sit down.  And instead of pulling out his ipod or homework, he began to start a conversation with her.  When the lunch ended, I happened to glance back as the girl walked away she had the biggest smile on her face.  By the smile and warmth expressed on her face, you’d think winter was over and summer was well on its way!

This boy’s small gesture had made that girl’s day.  Just by witnessing his kindness, the rest of my day was changed for the better.  My grudge toward winter melted like the snow on a sunny day, and my heart felt more full and warm than it had in months!

What if everyone decided to treat others with kind actions like this boy?  What if everyone just simply smiled at a stranger on the street?  What if everyone noticed a lonely individual sitting at a table or on a bench alone and decided to sit next to them and start a conversation?  What if everyone offered the last piece of cake to their friends, rather than using their forks as weapons as they fight for a little sugar?

All days would be bright, all hearts would be warm, and just maybe the winter blues would melt away.

Written by State Reporter: Emily Swartzendruber

Monday, January 17, 2011

Surround Yourself With What You Love

Written by your State Secretary: Jasper Cunningham
This reason for this blog post is due to a movie that I recently watched. I won’t mention the name directly; however, the next sentence may foreshadow the name. This film was not produced by “Para”mount Pictures, and was based on ab”normal” activities.
I have always shied away from scary movies. I was the kid who was afraid of his own shadow. My crowning achievement was when I screamed to the top of my lungs in the movie theater during a preview for a scary movie. Of course the lights were still on in the theater—everyone pointed and laughed. So, it was a shock to me when I hung out with my friend and we watched a scary movie. It started off like every horror film I have tried (keyword) to watch. I took my glasses off, plugged my ears with my thumbs, and masked my eyes with my other fingers. After this, I was ready for the movie to start.  After the first scare is when things changed. I was forced to finish the movie.
I screamed so much I lost my voice. I closed my eyes so tight I thought they would stay shut forever. I jumped so much that it could be considered exercise. But I did it—I made it through one scary movie. Do you want to know something? It will be my last! To tell you the truth, as I write this I am spending the night at my sisters. Things haven’t changed.
Now, here’s the reason behind the story. I have decided the only way to live your life is when you surround yourself with what you love. I don’t love scary movies. I don’t even like them. (Stop everything, I just heard a noise and I called my sister who is upstairs to make sure everything is aye-okay. Turns out is normal for the refrigerator to make noise. She can vouch for this.) This is why I am at my sister’s. My family and friends are my number one love. Even though my fears may be irrational my family understands.
We have always heard people ask “what is the meaning of life?” That phrase also happens to be the meaning behind the movie Baby Geniuses. I believe I may have cracked the code. I believe life is meant to love and be loved. I love my family, friends and faith—I would be nowhere without them.
During this year I have made friends with eleven amazing teammates, tons of members, and met awesome individuals. I have surrounded myself with what and who I love.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wouldn't it be nice?

             Wouldn't it be nice to just start over? Have a clean slate and just start a new?
Those were the thoughts that were going through my head as I stepped into North Huron Middle School and presented to the big bad 8th grade Agriscience class. I have never been more terrified to present as a State Officer. 8th graders are honestly really scary people, because unlike high school students you have NO idea what to expect from them.This fact held true as Jasper and I went through our presentation.
              That visit to North Huron was probably one of my most memorable because of a student who sat in the front row because as Mr. Forsyth would say "has a little too much energy." Everything we presented this student would have a comment such as "Thats amazing" "I can't imagine" or "I'm going to do that some day" How awesome is that? He was excited about the things that he could be involved with and be a part of. After the presentation, Jasper and I got to sit down and talk to this member and he talked about how he grew up on a family farm that goes back generations and how FFA was going to take over his life.
              Think of all the potiental you had as a young FFA member. Every single opportunity was at your feet and it was your choice to pick out the path that you wanted to take. This student showed me that the FFA light isn't only shown through the leaders in the FFA, but in the young and BIG hearts of members.
So even if you are at the end of your FFA life, or at the end of any aspect of your life, treat it as if you just began. Begin with a heart full of excitement and a need to be the best that you can be.

Friday, January 7, 2011

400 Billion Stars—16 Standing Above the Rest

Written by your State Secretary: Jasper Cunningham

During a clear night when you peer into the sky, the human eye is capable of capturing around 2,500 stars. In our Galaxy, the Milky Way, there are around 400 billion stars. Yes, that’s billion with a “B.” Now, in Earth Science class we have all studied the same old, boring star classes; Red Giant, White Dwarf, Red Dwarf, Supernova, Neutron Star and so one.
In my opinion the most important classes of stars are: Agri-Business, Agriscience, Production, and Placement. These may not be classes that you’re familiar with; however, they are what make the world revolve. These classes are meant to be filled with outstanding students and their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE).
Michigan FFA State Level STAR interviews were held Wednesday, January 5th, 2011. We would like to extend a special thank-you to Michigan Farm Bureau for hosting the interviews and for their continued support. On Wednesday, sixteen FFA members from around the state gathered at the Michigan Farm Bureau Center. A panel of judges interviewed four contestants in each award area.  Questions were tailored to each individual SAE. From the interviews, each panel selected one individual to be the State STAR Over Michigan. The results will be top secret until the announcement at the Michigan FFA State Convention in March. After interviews, each candidate was filmed and that clip will be added to their STAR video that will play at State Convention. In order to qualify for this honor, students must fill out the STAR Battery application along with their State Degree application and return them to the Michigan FFA Office by a set deadline.
It was an honor to meet all the candidates and I was left in awe by the superb projects they have created. It is safe to say that the Michigan FFA has a group of leaders brighter than the North Star.
 On behalf of the Michigan Association of FFA, congratulations and best of luck to you in all your endeavors.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Watch out Ryan Seacrest, Tom Cruise, and Lawmakers—it’s January

Written by your State Secretary: Jasper Cunningham

Finally, it is January and you know what that means—Leadership competitions are starting up. Ag rooms are thriving and students are spending hours upon hours after school getting ready for one thing—competition day!

For me, contest preparation was a daily ritual. The bell for seventh hour rang and I rushed out to my truck, drove to Speedway and bought a diet Coke and a Hershey’s Cookies and Cream candy bar. Then I returned to the school, parked in the back by the Ag room and started practice. That’s my contest secret. Find a routine and practice, practice, practice.

Ryan Seacrest, you better look out. The blue and gold will soon be giving you a run for your money. Public Speaking and the skills contest, Ag Communications, are preparing members with technical and creative skills to carry out a wide range of media, production and speaking talents.

Tom Cruise, to you and the rest of Hollywood, this is a warning, competition is on its way. Agricultural Issues and Demonstration are allowing members to get in the acting mode. Here they are portraying the roles of reporters, activists, and showcasing agricultural processes. Their roles could easily earn them an Academy award.

Lawmakers, you may be receiving some added pressure in the near future. The Parliamentarian Procedure contest is equipping members with the knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order. These skills could transfer over into governmental order and protocol.  FFA members can even accomplish their agenda in under ten minutes.

If the sounds of these contests don’t interest you, don’t worry. With eleven leadership contests and over twenty skills contests to choose from you are sure to find one that you’ll love.  A complete list is available at:

Good luck to all in the contest season. We can’t wait to see all that you accomplish in this New Year!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Making a Change

Written by Jordan Punches
2010-11 State Sentinel

      A NEW YEAR!  Excitement and hope are in the minds and eyes of everyone around the world as they look at the new year hoping to start with a clean slate.  With the new year comes the infamous "New Years Resolution."  Now we all know that we set these new goals every year in hopes to better ourselves in some way.  Some say they want to lose weight or do less of some unhealthy task while others strive for better grades or a promotion at work.  What a GREAT tool for us to improve  upon the areas we feel we need work on, but, what if we take a step back and look at the goals we are setting a little closer.
     Obviously these goals are meant to improve us on the personal level.  The problem is that many people get selfish when setting these goals and think of how they can improve ONLY themselves. What if we thought a little bigger than ourselves? As important as it is to always ensure that we are growing as individuals we must also do our part help to grow our community and world. How can we do this?  It as as simple as setting a goal to be kinder to those in your place of work or trying to positively influence at least one person a week (or even better, once a day!).  Be creative my friends am don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to achieve these goals.
     This is important because in helping others we are most often times helping ourselves also (can't get any better than a buy one get one free deal).  If we look at an example of matching goals we could put a personal goal (ie. get promoted at work) and a community goal (ie. be kinder to the individuals I work with.) together.  In perusing the community goal your boss may see it fit to give you a promotion or raise in pay because of your outgoing kindness.  Now I know this is a random example and may be stretched but you get the point.  This could work for a multitude of settings and I encourage everyone to give it a try. 
     In the end it is up to you and you alone of what or who you would like to change or impact in the coming year.  My only advice to you is make sure you do something!  It is so easy to sit by and let life pass when you can be out there and engaged in the world.  With that thought I ask....Are you Making a Change?